Nollywood should by now be chasing Hollywood for the best movie industy
in the world. But wait a second somethings need to improve for even to
consider any competition with Hollywood. Hollywood has it all, say high
definition camera, cast, storyline, and audio-visual output to mention
but a few. Nollywood largely considers quantity yet to be the
best,quality and quantity should move hand in hand.In our minds
therefore we should first rate the quality before jumping onto
conclusions about ranks.
Yearly Nollywood releases the numbers but can the movies,compete at
international film festivals and stand a decent chance of winning
awards? Can they be compared to their counterparts in Hollywood and
Bollywood? my answer is no,because many i have watched have weak
storylines and a movie is quite predictable from start to
finish.Normally story lines are unintelligent and often times not
creative enough.As a matter of fact, the writer in me cringes when I
watch some films. I feel insulted and embarrassed because a lot of these
scripts are obviously poorly researched.
Our movies should tackle educative scripts and try to portray them with
purpose and make them have this international touch and view within
them.Lets say a movie has a lawyer role in it ,let the lawyer be
dressed,act and not fake anything that does not depict the
profession.Films are a major form of entertainment, but they are also
meant to educate and inform, and sadly a lot of our films are not doing
that. If you watch the average Hollywood movie in which the lead
character is a doctor, there is a very high probability that you’ll
learn two or more things about the practice of doctors in reality.
I once watched a film where almost all the scenes were shot in the same
house, and yet the director wanted us, the viewers, to believe that
different locations were used. As I said before, even that in itself is
not bad provided we see different parts of the house, but no, it was
obvious even to the blind that the same house was used because the
painting was of same colour, the wood paneling was of the same texture,
the curtains were the same, the gate was the same, need I say more.
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