Asked whether he had special plans for his big day, Ranbir said, “I will be having a quiet dinner with my parents. My sister Riddhima and my brother-in-law Bharat are travelling this year. I’m a shy guy and I normally like having an intimate celebration rather than something ostentatious.”
The actor admits he has a special wish this year, though. His film, Karan Johar’s Wake Up Sid, is due in his birthday week, and Ranbir says, “The best gift I can ask for this year is that everyone goes to see my film.” Smiling he adds, “I don’t know how to hardsell myself or my film but I can surely request people to see it.”
While the actor intends to ring in his birthday with his father Rishi Kapoor and mother Neetu Singh, he also has plans for another little “quiet” bash with girlfriend Deepika Padukone and a couple of dear friends. “I’m not one of those guys for surprise parties,” he says. “I feel awkward. I have no idea what Deepika has planned for me. I haven’t seen her for a few days because I have been in Bhopal and she was in Mumbai. However, I hope it isn’t too big a surprise because even she knows how reserved I am.”
As he signs off, the young actor says, “Of course, I want the usual things like super-success for my film, good luck and happiness. The perfect birthday gift for me each year is the same. I want good health and immense happiness for my parents. Nothing else can make me happier.
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